Blogs | Swim News

Stay hydrated to improve performance when training or racing

Posted by Dennis on Dec 11, 2014

Hydration and Sports Being surrounded by water, it’s easy to think you are immune from the effects of dehydration. However you’re still sweating in the pool, even if you don’t know about it. Unfortunately the body can’t absorb water, so drinking water the normal human way is the only way to prevent dehydrating during training. Dehydration affects swimmers just as much as it does any other athletes who train and compete on land. The effects of dehydration are many, including headache … read more

Cross training, building strength and muscle for swimmers

Dec 10, 2014

Training, Strength and Muscles An important part of a swimmer’s training takes place outside of the pool. Cross training builds strength and muscle power and provides swimmers with a break of the monotony of the black line. Virtually any form of exercise you enjoy is a great cross training sport, but here are some of the most effective. Running or cycling Running or cycling are great aerobic workouts, building your cardiovascular fitness. As they are higher impact than swimm … read more

Tips for Swimming in Winter in the cold weather

Jul 03, 2014

Winter Swimming Tips We all know that it's that little bit harder to get motivated during the Winter months but it's also important to be consistent with our training regimes and to give our bodies the love they deserve ! Some easy tips to remember during your training session is to keep warm on your way and after your session, always stretch before you begin any training session, keep moving, enjoy what you are doing. If you don't enjoy swimming laps, there are a variety of other fitn … read more

Commonwealth Games on the Horizon featuring Danielle

Posted by Michael Sherry on Jan 30, 2014

Danielle and the Commonwealth Games While some of us have been holidaying, our very own Nova Swimwear Sponsored Danielle De’Francesco has been training hard and competing even harder, which has produced some outstanding results. At the end of last month Danielle competed in the Burleigh Swim Run which consisted of a 200m swim, 1.92km run…and repeat. Danielle came out of the swim ahead of the competition and was able to maintain the lead throughout the race to take the win in the elite c … read more