Danielle's performance at Noosa Triathlon Series

Dec 14, 2015

The Noosa Triathlon Series

Last month on the 1st of November I competed in the biggest triathlon not only on my competition calendar, but also one of the biggest in Australia. Noosa Triathlon is an iconic race held every year, which attracts thousands of competitors from around the country and world, meaning I was up against some talented girls in the pro women’s field. My lead up to the event was far from ideal with continual shin splint problems, and a stomach bug two nights prior to the race, however I dealt with these issues as well as possible up until race start.

Surrounded by a massive crowd with many people yelling my name in support, it was extremely exciting to be standing on the start line of a race I had always watched and wished I was a part of. The gun went off bright and early at 6:15am, and besides a stumble running into the ocean, I was able to get off to a good start. I managed to use my best leg, the swim, to my advantage by opening up a 45 second gap to the next group of girls.

Out onto the bike course on my own, I was able to hold the lead for the first half of the cycle. Although I had been caught by the chase pack of five girls, I still managed to begin the run leg in second place, with a gap on third. The sideline support from not only people I knew, but also many others watching was incredible, which gave me extra motivation to give it my best all the way to the finish line. I knew I hadn’t had an ideal preparation for a great run time, which showed as I slipped back to my resulting place of 8th. However, as I ran down the blue carpet to the finish line arch, I was relieved and pleased to have finished in the top 10 at the biggest race of my career to date, and second ever Olympic distance race. It was a great learning experience for me, and provided me with great confidence for future races.

Following Noosa I took a well-needed three week break from training, in order to recover and prepare for a long season of training and competing ahead next year. I used this rare opportunity to throw on my Nova swimwear bikini’s and go surfing, adventuring, and visit my family in Victoria. I am now currently back into training, and gradually increasing the length and intensity of my sessions each week. Although I will be training through Christmas and the New Year, I am looking forward to getting back to race fitness, and competing in my first race back in January! A big thank you to Nova Swimwear for producing my amazing tri-suit in time for race day. It was comfortable in all three disciplines, and definitely a stand out amongst the thousands of other competitors!